Ingredients: Tryptophan, Thiamine, Magnesium
Tame your dragon with Focus. Focus consists of 3 calming ingredients: - Tryptophan - Thiamine - Magnesium. It's a powerful + effective way to take the edge off naturally! This triple threat is sure to help focus, calm, and relax your horse.
Focus Equine
Recommended For
TriSana Nutrition Focus is recommended for nervous, anxious, or excitable horses. It is a great natural supplement to take the edge off young green horses or any horse in training, as well as settle horses for competition or travel.
Scientifically Proven to
Promote relaxationPromote mental focus
Promotes a quiet + relaxed disposition
Promotes a healthy nervous system
Feeding Instructions
Less than 1000 lbs: 1.5 TBSP
Greater than 1000 lbs: 2 TBSP
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